Chad Woolley
Build flags (--) do not work was created by Chad Woolley
Tuesday May 20
ticket -
leakage of gem doc warning messages e... was created by Chad Woolley 12:35 AM ticket
Issues AutoInstalling Mongrel was created by Chad Woolley 12:34 AM ticket
Sometimes installing fails due to Rub... was created by Chad Woolley 12:33 AM ticket
Add a check on ruby version was created by Chad Woolley 12:31 AM ticket
autogem() fails when run for newly-in... was created by Chad Woolley 12:30 AM ticket
Add 'cleanup' directive to config was updated by Chad Woolley 12:28 AM ticket
Add 'cleanup' directive to config was created by Chad Woolley 12:27 AM ticket
1.0 Release was updated by Chad Woolley 12:24 AM milestone
1.0 Release was created by Chad Woolley 12:23 AM milestone